About Us

We are a small team of go-getters, woking hard to deliver a small collection of high quality products. Ever since our launch in 2005, we have kept learning and perfecting every single part of our business; from using higher and higher quality materials for our products to optimizing our site for speed and getting better gear for our product photography.

We’re not gonna lie, we have made a lot of mistakes along the way. But we have learned from every one of them. One of our mottos is that it is okay to make (a lot of) mistakes, as long as you don’t make the same mistake twice.

The Team

The Future

If we were to predict were we would be today back when we started in 2005; we would have been way off. So there is no way knowing were we will be five years from now. What we do know is that we will keep working hard following our dream, running a small successful business.

“I will not go where the path may lead. I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.”

We want to thank all our loyal customers who has stayed with us over the years. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for you guys. Don’t be a stranger!

Keep rocking and stay awesome! Sebastian and Jennifer

Get in touch

The Daydream Co. е македонски бренд основан во 2017 година кој низ страниците на своите внимателно дизајнирани производи има за цел да придонесе кон организирано и продуктивно секојдневие.


Нема производи во кошничката.